Be2Can is a presentation of selected festival films
We want to bring films that offer an insight into current festival events and which are missing in regular distribution to the audience. We do not limit ourselves to mere "presentation", our goal is critical selection and discussion – about films, festivals, their dramaturgy, politics, and awards.
Organizers Photogallery Manifesto
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Did you miss the previous editions of Be2Can, or do you just want to revive your memories? Watch selected movies online in the Edisonline video library.
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We look at festival film critically, independently and professionally. From film selection to discussions with guests, the showcase is organised by a team from Film Europe, a film distribution company. Be2Can was founded by Ivan Hronec with the ambition to create an open platform for the dignified presentation of quality film.



Be2Can manifesto

Dramaturgy per se

Primary sources for the movies selection included in the presentation are the main competitions of three A film festivals – Berlinale, Venice and Cannes.
Other competitive and non-competitive sections of these festivals are a secondary source. We compose the show based on the preselection of their dramaturgists and juries. We are interested not only in the winning films themselves, but also in the meaning and role of festival awards as such, regardless of the selected films quality.

Film gallery

We understand the main competitions of major festivals as a representative probe into current trends in festival cinematography and as a impuls for polemics.
We offer a strictly curated gallery of film works that starts a dialogue with the competition sections. Among other things, it is also a careful filter that takes into account remarkable titles that could have escaped the attention of the juries for various reasons. We offer recipients a clear view of what drives contemporary art film.

Festival resonance

At festivals we listen, read, participate in debates in the corridors. This helps us to determine which movies have a strong vibe, spark discussion, and open up interesting topics.
As a result, the resonance of the movie is more important than the prize awarded to the film by the jury. The top prize will be forgotten unless it goes to a movie with the potential to appeal to audiences and critics. On the contrary, a neglected film can resonate more strongly in the future than the winner of a prestigious award.

Space of discoveries

Be2Can is not necessarily a festival of movies from the biggest names that attract attention in itself.
It also focuses on lesser-known filmmakers whose careers are at the very beginning, but who bring an innovative view of film or a remarkable poetics that follows the strong trends of festival movies. We don't just want to offer the audience proven choices, but we want to motivate them to explore.

Discuss and listen

The ticket is also an invitation to a discussion.
We want to draw the audience into the festival events and offer them above-standard information background for individual movies from the festival through professional introductions, lectures, Q&A with the creators and masterclasses. Our goal is to raise awareness of what's going on in the festival scene and to provoke debate. We don't state, but we ask – ourselves and our audience.

In the wider perspective

Great filmmakers do not appear out of the blue in the main festival competitions. That's why we carefully follow events outside the main sections of the "big three" and at other significant European festivals.
Even if the movie does not appear in the Be2Can portfolio we will always take it into account when creating context for our titles – on the web, through social media, in the festival magazine and in the accompanying lectures.

Open festival

The films selection is not limited to the Film Europe Media Company portfolio.
The main program part of Be2Can is open to all distributors. Its aim is to raise awareness of art films and to give them the publicity they deserve.

Guests, not faces

We are not only concerned with media glamour, but with inspiring observations and topics for discussion.
We invite such guests and delegations connected to the festival movies in order to offer our viewers an interesting insight into making of the movie they represent.

Without populism

We know that our movies are not for everyone.
We aim our communication at those who know what they want and why they want it.
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